Highly Commended for Charlotte - 28th November 2014
Congratulations to Charlotte O'Neil in Year 10 who has, for the second year running, been selected as one of three highly commended entries in a nationwide competition run by the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) in London. Over 700 entries were received for Charlotte's key stage group and more than 3,000 schoolchildren participated in this year's competition overall. The Royal Geographical Society are dedicated to the development and promotion of geographical knowledge and Imberhorne mirrors their belief that Geography is key to students lives today. This year the title of the competition was "How can Geography help you?". Charlotte demonstrated many fantastic links to the different elements of her life and Geography. Charlotte was presented with an award and certificate by Nicholas Crane at a ceremony in London on 28th November. Nick Crane told the winners, who had travelled from as far afield as Oman to attend the awards, that geography was 'the most exciting subject in the world' and that it had been a key part of his life since childhood.Her entry will be able to be viewed online at: www.rgs.org.uk/OurWork/Schools/Compeitions.htm