Adam Dabell Memorial Match - Imberhorne V Sackville

Imberhorne win the 12th Annual Adam Dabell Memorial Match held on 8th October On a thankfully dry, crisp and clear evening, in front of a large capacity crowd of, extremely good natured, mainly young people from both Imberhorne and Sackville schools. 

The Imberhorne and Sackville 6th Form Football teams came out at the start of the match looking evenly matched and, with great skill, entertained with some great football. It was finally Imberhorne who with tenacity secured a 4 – 2 victory.

The memorial event, in  memory of Adam Dabell was declared another huge success and everyone dug deep in support of the CRY charity. We were reminded that it is now 11 years since the death of Adam who suffered an un-diagnosed heart condition and this memorial match is a wonderful way to celebrate his life and love of the beautiful game. 

Bob Mainstone, Deputy Mayor and a former teacher, headmaster and who until quite recently worked at Imberhorne, commented that, as always, he had been most impressed with the standard of the football and by the sheer numbers of young people of the Town attending this now well known Community Event. Speaking to both teams  he said that they had both, once again, shown admirable sporting skill and, with the good humoured support from the large crowd of young people attending, clearly demonstrated to all that the vast majority of young people of our Town are a very great credit to their local community.

Voluntary contributions on the night of the match, plus donations later handed and sent in, raised another £600 for  CRY.– Cardiac Risk in the Young.