Personal Support
Young people's good health, both emotional and physical, is extremely important and we recognise the significant part that we have in supporting students and families with any health issues.
Wellbeing and Mental Health Referrals
We have developed our wellbeing and mental health provision and are able to present this in a diagrammatic form here. Referrals for this provision may be made by teachers, support staff, students or parents using our referral form. Identified students will initially receive support from our Pastoral Team, Learning Mentors and SEND Team. If an individual’s needs are beyond what our teams can provide support for, we will increasingly work with external agencies, including counsellors, to best support students. One such organisation is a company called Your Space who provide a counselling service for students at school. We will engage with parents about counselling provision if we feel it is the most appropriate ‘next step’ for students.
Please see our two help pages for In-school Support and External Support for information on services both at Imberhorne and beyond. Please do not hesitate to contact any member of our team if you don't find what you are looking for on either of these pages.