Career Speed dating 11th February 2014

Our Year 9 students were off timetable on Tuesday 11th February for an exciting hour of ‘speed dating’ style careers workshops.  Many business men and women gave up their time to take part in this annual event which allows our students to engage with different professionals to ascertain what their job titles are and the qualifications they needed to get into their chosen field.Over a short period of just a few minutes the students ask as many questions as they can to establish the job title of the professional in front of them.  If they asked the right questions they could guess correctly. The following 5 minutes is spent with the professional feeding back about their job descriptions and the paths that led them into their chosen career.At the end of the 10 minutes, the professionals moved on to another group and the process started again!  It was a frantic, fast paced and fun insight for the students into careers that some of them had never even heard of.  Thank you to all the volunteers who gave up their time to be involved with this event.  There were 26 in total ranging from Cabin Crew, Pilot and Estate Agent through to Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse and Sous Chef.