Murder Mystery Workshops June & July 2013

Our talented Year 12 Theatre Studies students led a 2 hour workshop event for a small group of gifted year 9 ‘Drama Stars’ on 26th June with more to come for Year 7 and 8 in during July.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> The newly opened ‘Di Gasson Studio’ became the crime scene for the Year 9 students who were in role as detectives. As they entered the studio, they were confronted with a grisly murder, which was followed by a series of re-enactments by the skilful Year 12 students in role as a variety of suspects. The interactive workshop enabled the Year 9 students to observe the performance skills of the A Level students, to interact with the characters through role-play/ hot-seating activities and then to create their own improvised endings to the investigation. A thoroughly enriching experience for all students involved. Well done!