Passionate and Talented Technology Workshop

On Tuesday 13th October, 30 of our Y8 Technology students spent the day at Upper School participating in a Design and Technology workshop to broaden and extend their experience of some of the many facets of the subject. The exciting project that they were engaged in was to design and build a working MP3 speaker and casing from scratch.

The day was divided into two parts; one with a graphics focus (the design for the casing) and the other with an electronics focus (making the amplifier and speaker circuit).

During the graphics session, students got to grips with Computer Aided Design (CAD) to create the pattern for the front of the casing in an Art Deco style, which was cut out using Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) in self-adhesive vinyl. They applied this to a corrugated card net that had been cut and assembled by the students  - quite a job in itself!

The electronics session allowed students to gain an understanding of the components used in an amplifier circuit and gave them the opportunity to source and solder these in position. Every one of the students managed to complete working circuits in the short time available. Such an impressive achievement.

The students responded admirably to these challenges. Taken out of their comfort zones they really rose to the occasion, producing some excellent results. Enthusiasm about the tasks was evident and all seemed to really enjoy the day as well as learning a lot in the process. A good day all round!