Year 7 Merit Awards 11th & 12th November

What an amazing start Year 7 have had to their time at Imberhorne. They have settled in so well during their first term and we were so proud to celebrate their success with our two ‘Merit Award’ assemblies on 11th and 12th November.  The hall at Windmill Lane was packed full of parents, primary school staff from our feeder schools and proud students. Individual merits are just one of the ways in which we reward students at Imberhorne, but they remain one of the quickest and most effective ways to celebrate day to day success.  They are awarded electronically to students when they have displayed good behaviour, effort, helpfulness, kindness, enthusiasm and such like.  Every student receives a weekly Monday morning email to inform them of their merit total and from whom they received merits the previous week.  We are thrilled that so many students achieved their bronze certificates at the Year 7 ‘Merit Award’ assemblies this year. Over 91% of the year group had reached this target of 30 merits with the others only a few merits off and so will receive their certificates in normal weekly assemblies.Special recognition must go to the 29 students who achieved 60 merits and were awarded their Silver certificates.