Performance Poet Inspires Imberhorne

Performance poet Ash Dickinson visited Imberhorne Upper School on 18th September to hold a poetry workshop exclusively for Sixth Form students.  Wandering wordsmith Ash makes yearly visits to the Lower School for Year 8 workshops. However, this year, in its bid to offer a greater variety of enrichment opportunities to all students, it was the Upper School library’s turn to become a temporary haven for budding poets and lyricists to hone their writing skills under Ash’s expert guidance.

Gudrun Arnadottir, Year 13, who attended the workshop, said: ‘We’re so lucky to be given these opportunities at school. This was really fun and inspirational!’

Students heard some of Ash’s own work and anecdotes from his life on the road; looked at techniques to analyse a poem; and learnt tips on how to capture ideas for writing original poems and lyrics with resorting to clichés.  Ash relished the chance to meet students he hadn’t seen for several years since they were in Year 8,  ‘My 12th visit to Imberhorne was another delight’, he said. ‘The 6th Form students were very engaged, worked well with each other and myself, and demonstrated real commitment to their writing. A lovely way to spend a morning.’

Imberhorne Library’s next plan is to welcome a best-selling author for an inspirational talk to tie in with World Book Day next Spring. Watch this space!