Luke Wright Visits Imberhorne 27th November 2014

Year 10 students were treated to a visit from British poet and broadcaster, Luke Wright in November.  Aged 32, Luke has a relaxed, confident manner that stood out in the hour long assembly he took in front of all the Year 10 students. Luke recited and performed many of his own poems, all of them telling a story, some sad, others resulting in laughter. He opened up to questions at the end; not specifically questions about his work, but anything at all.  Luke then ran workshops throughout the day as part of our gifted, talented and passionate English program.  He explained how he came to be a poet, and he shared poems that have inspired him. These poems were analysed by the group, with Luke hinting some ideas about the structure of vocabulary used, and then students were expected to expand these ideas into answers. Students also wrote poems of their choice, with Luke offering guidance and help.