BBC School News Report 27th March 2014

On 27th March, Imberhorne School took part in the BBC School News Report, a nationwide event that lasted the whole day. 20 of our Year 9 students were selected to be involved and were split into groups and then assigned a specific story to report on. The stories included an interview with Richard Leman, local GB Olympian who won a Gold and Bronze Hockey medal in the Los Angeles and Souel Olympics. The students also visited the Deputy Mayor of East Grinstead in the Mayor's Parlour at East Court, Peanut Ward at the Queen Victoria Hospital and one group even went live on the town radio station, Meridian FM. The day had the feel of a real life news crew, meeting a tough schedule of interview times and editing the material in time for deadlines. Please enjoy the news reports by following the link on our website homepage which will be available week commencing 31st March.