News Archive

Thank you to all the students for their contribution to our Remembrance Day commemoration services held at both Lower and Upper school on 11th November. The students were impeccable in their behaviour and showed a respect and regard that was very mature.

On Tuesday 23rd September we were lucky enough to have a Dance Teacher from the Rambert Dance School with us for the school day.The students found the workshop really helpful to further their studies in GCSE Dance.

Congratulations to our Year 12 Young Enterprise Team, Distinct.

The Grand Finale TRASH event was held on 19th March at the Jubilee Centre.  The TRASH show has been running for 7 years and aims to highlight the plight of the Third World in the global clothing supply-chain.The show brings together students from all 3 key stages and this year included a Drama pi

On 27th March, Imberhorne School took part in the BBC School News Report, a nationwide event that lasted the whole day. 20 of our Year 9 students were selected to be involved and were split into groups and then assigned a specific story to report on. The stories included an interview with Richard

Thanks to Stacey Arrowsmith, Dan Celani, Katie Offler and the rest of the P.E department for organising the lunchtime walk/run on 21st March.  Over 600 students either managed the mile or 2 mile distance. We raised an impressive £2407.04

The Imberhorne Library at Windmill Lane was bursting with bookworms on Thursday 6th March. We are passionate about encouraging students to read at Imberhorne.  We know how important it is for learning and for enjoyment.

Our Year 9 students were off timetable on Tuesday 11th February for an exciting hour of ‘speed dating’ style careers workshops.  Many business men and women gave up their time to take part in this annual event which allows our students to engage with different professionals to ascertain what thei

For the fourth year running we continued our link with The Vasaskolan Gävle School in Sweden and the Imberhorne music department for a week of musical activities, culminating in a showcase concert in the Gasson Studio on 23rd January. The Imberhorne Jazz Band and singers worked with the Swedish s

On Thursday 6th February the main hall at Imberhorne Lane was transformed into a show to rival London Fashion week, as Year 11 students took to the catwalk and modelled prom gowns and suits to raise money for charity.  The charities supported this year were chosen by the Year 11 form reps.  The M
